Same Day Sick Appointments
We understand when your child is sick. Our phones are answered Monday through Saturday at 8:00am. If you need an appointment that day, your child will be seen. We will try to schedule you with your doctor. Occasionally there will be times when your doctor is not available and we will schedule an appointment with another doctor or the nurse practitioner. Once all our regular appointments are filled (until 4:30) our on call doctor stays late to ensure that all sick children are seen.
Well Child Visits
We follow the schedule of well child visits as recommend by the American Academy of Pediatrics. During these visits we will be monitoring your child's development, answer questions and discuss any concerns, and administer immunizations. You can visit our section on what to expect as your child grows for more information.
When a referral to a specialist is recommended by one of our doctors for your child, we will assist you in getting an appointment made and provide any medical records or insurance information needed prior to that appointment.